Thursday 31 January 2019

Apollo 11 - 50 Year Anniversary

Why the Moon Landing is Real
  A reason people say the moon landing is  fake because of the Van Allen belts which should have fried the astronauts. They are 2 huge belts of radiation that surround the earth and you get radiation sickness if you are exposed from 200-1000 "rads" of radiation. Luckily the launch happened when the Van Allen belts were at a low intensity at the astronauts would have only been exposed to 18 rads proving why they didn't get fried debunking this theory.
 Another reason people think the moon landing is fake is because of the flag Buzz Aldrin placed on the moon appears the flapping in the wind. But there is no wind on the moon. In actuality the flag was just disturbed as it went in the ground  and kept a bent shape due the lack of strong gravity on the moon.
 The last reason the moon landing is real is because people say that their are no stars in the photos taken on the moon. However this is just a common feature of photographs from space, where the contrast between light and dark is extreme. The surface of the moon reflects the strong sunlight and appears very bright in photographs and drowns the dim light of the stars.

Why the Moon Landing is Fake
  A reason people say the moon landing is fake is because of the non-parallel shadows . According to the skeptics, the shadows in the NASA pictures appear to diverge. If the sun is the single bright light in the pictures, then the shadows should be parallel.
Another reason why the moon landing is fake is because hundreds of thousands of people were involved yet no information was leaked before hand. The only way this wouldn't get leaked is if there were only a few people involved on a movie set.
The last reason the moon landing is fake is because they needed to keep getting funded and faked the landings to avoid humiliation. With the money funded for going to the moon they could have easily payed people off to be silent. They needed to do it to fulfill Kennedy's 1961 goal.

Monday 28 January 2019

Predicted Grade

5 Animated Gifs

Predicting My Grade: