Wednesday 12 June 2019

Game Journalism 1

Game Journalism #1 - Raft
In raft you are stuck in the middle of the ocean using a hook to 
collect debris to expand your raft and survive through starvation, 
dehydration and shark attacks. Today I learned how to play
,I mainly collected loot and made a purifier and grill. I need 
to try and find an island for more rare loot next class.
                                       Debris Collecting
The whole basis of the game start off by hooking, in order to
collect debris using the hook, you hold left mouse to charge how far 
you throw, release to throw and hold left click to reel in the loot.
The higher you look up the farther it will go.
                                The different types of debris
Wooden Planks: Most useful item in the game, used for 
expanding raft and tools mainly
Leafs: Used for crafting rope which is important for 
creating fishing rods and catching nets.
Plastic: Needed for expanding raft and other various
tools and a cup.
Barrels:They have lots of loot and some food. (Get them)
                                             My Raft
Just a standard 3 by 3 raft at the moment I have what I need 
to survive and a research table. I will try to make a second floor
and catching nets for more loot next class
                                     Near Death Experience
I jumped in the water at first not knowing there was a 
shark and nearly died. Pro tip don't fight the shark.
                                 Shark Munching my Boat
Every 5-10 minutes the shark will much your boat  and take out
one of your floors. I'll try to make a spear next class in order to
defend my raft

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